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No your vote is not wasted 

100 percent powered by the American people and small contributions

A Vote to Stop Spending Money we Don't have.
To the citizens of the great state of Tennessee, also known as the Volunteer State due to the valor and patriotism of their citizens throughout history, I call upon all Tennesseans who believe in America to join us in volunteering to use your vote, to send a clear and powerful message to the rest of the nation. We also encourage voters in our qualified write-in states to join with Tennessee in volunteering to use your vote to send this important message:


America is not broken the two party system is broken.

Your vote is your voice, and together, we can make a difference. Let's show the rest of the country the true spirit of Tennessee!
One vote, or one voice may seem insignificant, but it holds tremendous power to bring about change. History has shown us time and time again that a single vote can swing an election and determine the direction of a nation. Each vote is a voice, a voice that echoes the values, beliefs, and hopes of the individual casting it. When these voices unite, they become a chorus that can no longer be ignored, a force that drives change and shapes the future. Your vote matters, and your voice deserves to be heard. So, exercise your right, let your voice be heard, and together, we can make a difference. 

 candidate represents a "no vote" against unbridled  spending by providing a new, alternative vision that challenges the dominant political parties' perspectives, policies, and practices. Our presence can disrupt the traditional political landscape, giving voters another option beyond the usual
two-party choices. 

Vote NO .!.

A Vote to Stop Spending Money we Don't have.


 VOTE NO .!.

Let’s Work Together To Fix This

Do you tell yourself, what can I do? One vote may seem insignificant, but it holds tremendous power to bring about change .!.

Thanks for submitting!

100 percent powered by the American people and small contributions

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