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  Common Sense Government

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George Washington warned against the proliferation of political parties. He believed that these parties could divide the nation. Washington told the American public that political parties would lead to politicians putting the interests of the party over the interests of the country.

Vote NO .!.

A Vote to Stop Spending Money we Don't have.
America is not broken the two party system is broken . ! .

​Thank You Tennessee ​


We are on the  presidential Tennessee ballot this November.


​In the following states where we are qualified write in candidates​

Georgia a qualified write-in candidate, filed

Ohio a write in candidate, filed

Michigan a qualified write in candidate, filed

Utah a qualified write in candidate, filed

Kentucky a qualified write-in candidate, filed

Wyoming a qualified write in candidate

Alabama a qualified write in candidate

Delaware a qualified write in candidate

Iowa a qualified write in candidate

New Hampshire a qualified write in candidate

New Jersey a qualified write in candidate

Pennsylvania a qualified write in candidate

Oregon a qualified write in candidate

Vermont a qualified write in candidate 

Washington state qualified write-in candidate , ready to file



PLEASE NOT AGAIN !, Political violence has no place in a democratic society. It undermines the principles of freedom, justice, and the peaceful exchange of ideas. Our hearts go out to all of those touched by the senseless violence in Butler Pennsylvania.




support an independent write in candidate for president 2024

100 percent powered by the American people and small contributions by selling this bumper sticker


The Issues
The national debt

End the Deficits

In a few short years we will be spending more on the deficit interest than we currently spend on national defense per year. This is unsustainable, and our children deserve better. It’s time to take a hard look at how we’re spending our money and start making common sense, sustainable investments in our future.

Number of migrant encounters at the southern boarder

Tax Reform

No one likes taxes, especially me, we need a general overhaul of our current out of control tax system. We must all pay our fair share! I personally would like to see a federal consumption tax, with certain exemptions to help the less fortunate. With these measures in place, we must work together to eventually eliminate the IRS and reduce everyone's tax burden.

Balance the budget

Balance the Budget

No more than a three percent deficit of the previous year’s GDP should be allowed in the federal budget, by law. We must enact balanced budget legislation and implement common-sense fiscal policies to ensure that our government spends our money effectively and efficiently.

strong national defence

Strong National Defense

A strong national defense is the foundation upon which every other aspect of our society and economy rests. Without a well-funded, well-equipped military, everything else is rendered moot.

stop inflation

Stop Inflation

When I buy groceries I see that things are getting too expensive, who cares about core inflation rates when milk can jump a $1 a gallon in a week, or beef is just too expensive to put on the dinner table any more. We need to address the spending and greed, which is only adding to the problem.

Citizens rights and womens health care and reproductive rights

Citizen's Rights

Our goal is to increase awareness and promote policies that support equality. This includes ensuring access to workplace safety, equal pay, paid parental leave, critical women health issues and rights. I would implement a citizen service program to allow us to learn that citizens with differing opinions from our own are not our enemy.

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Food insecurity in the US

End Food Insecurity in the US

According to the latest estimates as many as 13 million children in the United States live in food insecure homes. The richest country in the world! Stop over spending on government pork and lets fix this problem now!

Soaring health care cost in the US

Control Health Care Cost

We currently have a sick care system, not a health care system, and it's time for that to change, this is unacceptable. Our healthcare system needs common sense reform, and it needs it now. Our current system is the most expensive in the world and growing in cost daily. I am not convinced that we have the best healthcare money can buy, are you?

Term limits

Support Term Limits

Term Limits can ensure greater fiscal responsibility, the longer a politician stays in office the more of our tax dollars they spend. The Virginia Declaration of Rights (1776), "George Mason wrote that political leaders should "be reduced to a private station, return into that body from which they were originally taken' so that they can feel 'the burthens of the people' and be 'restrained from oppression."

Climate Change and goverment regulations in the US

Climate Change

We Americans still have doubts about climate change. Only around a third of Americans think the scientist understand the causes and effects of climate change. It is hot and getting hotter, lets enact legislation with common sense. 

Social security funding short fall

Social Security Short Falls

We believe in keeping the promises that we have made to our citizens. As people continue to live longer, it only makes sense to increase the retirement age for those entering the workforce now. I believe in creating a fair system that works for everyone, we have a plan to accomplish this if we are elected.

Tax reforn in the US

Immigration Reform

"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breath free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore." Quote 1883 Emma Lazarus Statue of Liberty. America was built by these type of people! Our current system is unfair and broken! There are two types of immigration legal and illegal, we fully support legal immigration and will be a strong force against illegal immigration. I firmly believe, that if a person breaks the law to enter our country that we should not expect that person to abide by our laws while in our country.


Thank you everyone who helped us qualify to be on the ballot in Tennessee, also a big thank you to all that signed up to become an elector in 15 other states, qualifying us to be write in candidates in those states.​



What is a state Elector

Our Plan

100 percent powered by the American people and small contributions by selling bumper stickers.

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